Transistor was invented in December 1947, by Walter Brattain, John Bardeen and further developed by William Shockley. Transistor replaced the bulky and unreliable vacuum tubes in televisions, radios, and other electronic equipment. Its ruggedness, small size and low power consumption produced a wave of miniaturization resulting in personal computers, smart phones, and other information communication devices. It’s been called the most important invention of the 20th century.
Dr. Meikei Ieong, Chairman of Simbury and fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) participated in 2022 IEEE VLSI Symposium on Technology & Circuits Conference and the 75th Transistor Anniversary Celebration Event with IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) Board of Governors.
Dr. Ieong spoke on behalf of the EDS Special Project Committee, “We are offering fund for initiatives and projects promoting EDS. I do encourage to leverage this fund to benefit EDS and semiconductor community at large.”
Let’s celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Transistor, which significantly changed the world and will continue to improve our life for the foreseeable future.
For more details of EDS fund, please email to Prof. Yansong Yang, Chair of IEEE Hong Kong at or visit ED/SSC Joint Chapter:
Dr. Meikei Ieong (back row, third from right) in EDS Board of Governors Dinner in June 2022.